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Old 04-17-2017, 09:05 PM
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Duluth Eskimo Duluth Eskimo is offline
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Originally Posted by D. Bergin View Post
I think about 50 Grand will be realistic, but they WILL spend some money on grading to get to that figure. If they are as high grade as they look, there will be several that go for $300 bucks or more apiece, with some much higher.

I think a high end Prefontaine or high end Cassius Clay will easily fall into the 500-1000 range.

This is not even taking into account the prototypes mentioned, that I imagine some will be eager to get into their collections.

Just filtering through Sold unsigned Sport Illustrated that ended on Ebay in the last 90 days, there's plenty of results that signify a trend, and most of the better issues have not even been traded in the last 90 days. Saw a couple of not so great looking Prefontaines that sold at between 60 and 80 bucks.

I see several CGC graded issues that I'd consider run of the mill but in great condition, that traded for 100 bucks and higher.
Ok, you're up to $1000, only $49-99,000 to go. The "prototype" issues are the dummy issues I'm sure and they are not that rare. Maybe a couple hundred each. I like how you assume people here are "underestimating" the value when you yourself say you cannot sell a boxing issue unless in the 1st Clay issue and you left boxes behind when you bought a large collection.

Heritage can put whatever value on them they want to entice some rube to auction his find thru them. Maybe they do get a little more by paying some idiot to "grade" them. Giving them the benifit of the doubt, you're up to $10,000 including a hell of a lot of grading fees.

Bottom line, it sounds like a great buying opportunity for you. With all your knowledge of SI's there surely is a lot of meat left on the bone to flip to all these buyers you found. I will just have to be satisfied with my "mid grade" magazine collection that I will continue to try to sell.
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