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Old 04-16-2017, 03:46 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,335

I just like Jimmy Foxx, period. I love that card, Rich. I've owned, and cherished, my TCMA reprint ever since I bought the set out of a Sporting News ad placed by Mike Aronstein in the spring of 1972.

I will always remember reading the tales told by Yankee southpaw Lefty Gomez of the monster home runs Foxx hit off Lefty. My favorite yarn was from the day we landed on the moon. The camera on the space module was zooming in on the moon surface, trying to look for anything recognizable (I.E. probably any evidence of Aliens!) Something round was spotted and the news commentator was trying to describe it. Lefty quipped to his dear wife, June, "Honey, that's that home run ball Jimmy Foxx launched off me!" I always thought that was a scream!!
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