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Old 04-15-2017, 01:03 PM
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AGuinness AGuinness is offline
Garth Guibord
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 942

I guess I'm confused at the OP in a way. The 50 percent offers, in my opinion, is what it takes to start the conversation, and is basically like going to a card shop and making an offer on a card there. Most people are flexible and will come down on a price if the buyer shows he or she is serious.

Also, for me, I have cards on COMC that I'd gladly take 50 percent for, but others that I wouldn't go that low on. The site doesn't offer the option for setting the threshold on specific cards, it's a catch-all, and I would assume most sellers are like me in that the amount I'd move on any given card might be different depending on the card.

And there is different options for auto-accept and minimum offers, which again, would be a catch-all setting rather than specific to a single card.

What I really don't get for COMC sellers are the ones who do sell items on Ebay/Amazon, which nets them 80 percent of the sales price, but who reject offers at 80 percent of the price on COMC. That's happened to me many times, and it doesn't make sense. They're willing to give up the 20 percent if the sale is through Ebay/Amazon, but not with a collector through COMC? Seems a double-standard that benefits the big corporations of the world and sticks it to the little guy.
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