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Old 03-17-2017, 01:38 PM
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Leon Leon is offline
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So is the ongoing thinking that they might have been produced individually somehow? Nice discussion... (question is for Steve, Craig and anyone else too)

Originally Posted by steve B View Post
The stones could also be laid out using transfers. A lot of stuff including cards was done that way.

Sheet size would be determined by a formula, setup time and how many total of each card were ordered by the customer. Setup time would have been the longest part of it. So it's not efficient to setup for a really big sheet if you're only doing a few of each. The same goes for having a small sheet. If you're making a few hundred thousand of something setup time affects the overall job less. (Modern stuff has changed that a LOT which is why we can have so many 1/1s made for modern cards.)

I'd be surprised if they were done on really small sheets, like 2x2 would be really unusual. And they're large and not common enough for very large sheets.

Steve B
Leon Luckey

Last edited by Leon; 03-17-2017 at 01:39 PM.
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