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Old 03-09-2017, 08:57 PM
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Kyle May
Join Date: Jul 2016
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What stood out to me was the OP's intent to point out that the original seller, and buyer that is the current seller, each lack knowledge on what they are selling. By pointing this out, bragging about it on a public forum, and insinuating that others have the opportunity to get in on this potential steal of a deal, it gave off a very negative connotation. The OP may not have intended for such a negative perception to be had, but it's how it came off. Meanwhile, throughout the thread, he dug himself into a bigger hole with his responses to people's comments. I can understand the excitement in a potential great deal and how that could lead to a less artful - as others have put it - original post. However, he had time to respond with more poise and clarity, and failed to do so. Therefore, I think many are still disbelievers in this thread.

For those that watch the show American Pickers, you'll know that there is a negative perception of Frank's deals compared to Mike's. Throughout my research to see how the show operates (essentially are the negotiations pre-determined or are they legitimate), I've read multiple forums where people talk about how Frank rips people off. He almost always low-balls people, purchasing stuff at prices that allow him to make double, if not triple his money. Quite often, Mike will inquire about an item, the owner will tell him he can have it for $XXX (let's say $200), but Mike will educate the buyer and share with him that the item is actually worth $XXXX ($1000, let's say), and offer the seller $400-500 for that item.

My point of bringing American Pickers up, is there are ways to get a good deal, without taking advantage of someone. The original post gave off the impression of a person looking to take advantage of an uneducated person. Now, shame on the seller for being uneducated with an investment, but I also don't know the full story and it's not my place to judge; it could be a situation where a friend is financially assisting a friend. Regardless, if the intent is not to take advantage of a seller, than the tone in the original post and throughout the thread by the OP's responses was set improperly. This is why I felt the need to post early on my concerns.
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