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Old 02-16-2017, 10:28 AM
vintagesportscollector's Avatar
vintagesportscollector vintagesportscollector is offline
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Interesting. The stub I showed, with a $1.20 price, was stapled to the 1953 program. I took it right out of a scrapbook, so fairly certain it is '53. Funny story about how I got those programs and stubs..

Last year I went to an estate sale, where the online preview pictured boxes of scrapbooks, with a few pages shown that had Yankees programs. I got to the sale early and was #3 on line outside the house. Door opened and #1 and #2 (who were together) made a beeline to the upstairs where there were about 10 boxes full of scrapbooks - each box had about 10 books in it.

#1 and #2 put their hands on a few boxes and said "we got them all". The boxes were being sold of $20 a piece for everything in the box!!. Fine...I was one number too late...BUT then they proceed to open the boxes and look through them. I was like WTF?? Either take them all and go and pay, or move aside while you look through them and let others have a crack at some of the boxes.

I spoke up and they said "we have them all" but still proceeded to dig through the boxes to see what was in them. I was like, F this Sh-T, and took a box and left to pay. Words were exchanged, we got into a bit of a pushing match, but I left with my box. Ended up with a box of scrapbooks that had a couple dozen Yankees and Red Sox programs, some with the stubs attached - all for $20. Turns out the owner was a huge Yankee fan, went to many home and away games with family and friends, and all the programs had notes on who attended the games.
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