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Old 02-14-2017, 08:38 AM
ErikV ErikV is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 470
Default Re: Hobby history: Pictures of the first National, 1980

This was my first show ever. Needless to say, as a twelve-year-old and a card
collector, I was in heaven. There was something for everybody, or so it seemed.

I remember a dealer by the name of Kovak. Unfortunately for me, the front of
his table was the meetup spot for my brother and I. When my brother and I
caught up to each other and were showing off our wares to each other, he
screamed at us to get lost, putting it mildly.

Very fond memories of that show. I wish the powers to be who run the National
would keep in mind that there are collectors across the entire country and bring
this show back to SoCal for once, just like the one that started it all. Ok, I'm
off my soapbox. Thanks for letting me share.

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