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Old 01-13-2017, 06:29 AM
PhillipAbbott79 PhillipAbbott79 is offline
Phillip Abbott
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 414

Originally Posted by Kenny Cole View Post
It seems pretty simple to me. He backed out of the deal he had agreed to after Dan did exactly what was asked of him and got the card graded. The grade didn't change anything about the card. It was the same card he had already agreed to buy and it was still the only one known. Whatever it graded was largely irrelevant. It just gave the guy an excuse to reneg. That's BS and I don't blame Dan a bit for telling the guy to F off. I would have too.
Well, like I was saying, I know he can do what he wants, and that he did do what he wants and I don't fault him for it, BUT it was likely from a financial decision a terrible idea to do what he did. He will likely never get that price again. That was the point. Nothing more or less.
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