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Old 01-09-2017, 03:12 PM
Stephen Abb.ondandolo
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: NY
Posts: 2,367

Originally Posted by bnorth View Post
I don't see a single post on here as being anything other that us actually trying to help the OP. I know he and you must see it differently and that is too bad.

I know I am trying to explain that at some point in time he needs to grow up and take responsibility for his actions. He is still in teenager mode and saying "but things are different now, It's not my fault". The only difference is it now takes several more years for young men to grow up mentally and take responsibility for their actions. It has nothing to do with intelligence.

Buying is buying it does not matter if it is the internet, estate sale, garage sale, or a flee market. They all have good and bad sellers.

We all went through the "but things are different now, It's not my fault" stage. The problem is at my age that was in your teenage to early 20's. Now it is lasting into peoples 30's. Ever hear the phrase "never trust anyone under 30"? When I was a kid it was 25, then it changed to 30, and now when it is said I hear people add 40 is the new 30. Again this is about responsibility not intelligence.

I owned a construction company from 1993 till a few months ago when I turned in my tax licences. Guys in their 20's are who do most of the work. So I have watched this progression of taking longer to grow up and take responsibility first hand in the work force. It sucks now trying to find someone to actually do work and put down their damn phone.

This is just my honest opinion.
I respect your opinion, but by the way you are speaking you can tell you are not with the times. "put down their damn phones"? That is the world we live in today whether you or anyone else likes it. You either change with it or get left behind. I have responsibility but am not dumb. To not take a chance on something you know nothing about when you are covered and can ask for opinions is foolish in my opinion. I have nothing to lose but learning along the way and by doing so. Just because you have been burned before, does not mean you need to be sour grapes about my approach. I figured out a way to be safe with my chances. What is wrong with that? This has nothing to do with acting like a teenager. It comes down with a simple method I use that members on here frown upon. I have never ONCE on here ever bashed someone or answered a post without advice when I answered aside from saying nice item etc. The fact that people answer posts like mine with long winded NON answers is baffling. With the effort you put into this you could actually help educate us younger guys.
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