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Old 12-01-2016, 02:23 PM
Al C.risafulli's Avatar
Al C.risafulli Al C.risafulli is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Kingston, NY
Posts: 874

Despite the fact that the postman ignored the signature required requirement and left the cardbox box on a wet bench, all fine.
AAAARGH! This makes me crazy!

Sorry to hear this, hopefully we pack things well enough that there are multiple "lines of defense" between your stuff and the elements. We try and make sure everything is REALLY well-protected.

For those still waiting for shipping notices and such, trust that we're chugging away - the Thanksgiving holiday shut us down for a few days (and also kept some important shipping materials from being delivered) but people still paid during that time, so we're working hard to get caught up. We're pretty close but not quite there yet. We had more winners in this auction than ever before (thanks!), and a boxing auction on top of that, so there are something like 500 packages to ship!

Thanks to everyone who participated in either auction!


Last edited by Al C.risafulli; 12-01-2016 at 02:23 PM.
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