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Old 11-14-2016, 07:09 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2009
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Default Please allow me to introduce myself

If you're also a man of wealth and taste, then you must have a great collection!

Originally Posted by smellthegum View Post
Hi all! I've been lurking on the boards off and on since I joined last year. I can't believe the incredible amount of knowledge here; what a great resource! I hope I can eventually add to it in some small way.

Anyway, I've been collecting seriously since about 1982 ... meaning that's when I started buying vintage. Since then I've built and sold several times for one thing or another (car, wedding, house). The last time I sold was about 1993. Sold everything except the 1952T and 1971T sets I was building. I went mostly dormant for a while, disenchanted with the advent of TPGs and the overproduction of new stuff. I'd only go to a couple of small local shows a year. I kind of picked up the pace again about 2005 and started to build a 1970T set too, and began picking up a few cards from eBay. Always thought buying online was dicey but I've since found a few sources whose grading I agree with and who have good scans. That's helped to fuel my more recent activity. (I still only do a few small shows a year so we won't likely meet up in person unless you're in southeastern MA or RI)

I wouldn't say I'm involved as wholeheartedly as I was in the 1980s and 90s because there are other responsibilities and interests that wrestle for my free time and money (I also collect brewery advertising and am a competitive bass fisherman), but I do greatly enjoy collecting old stuff in great shape. I'm all about the aesthetics and the history.

As far as what I collect I mentioned three sets already and am happy to say I finally completed the 1971 set this year and am 4 cards away from the 1970 set. It's taken a long time because I prefer raw cards (yah, I'm old school). I finally caved and picked up some graded stuff to speed up the set building. With 1971 and (soon) '70 out of the way I'm starting 1965 and 1967. I keep pecking away at the 52T but the Mays is beginning to look like a showstopper. Climbing like crazy lately, no? I hope to eventually complete a run of 1967-1976. I also pick up singles here and there, including tobacco and pre-war, up to 1957. Hopefully, I'll have a chance to do some deals here on the board too. Looking forward to meeting you all!
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