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Old 10-24-2016, 10:41 PM
dgo71 dgo71 is offline
Derek 0u3ll3tt3
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 1,234

I keep hearing people say it was too graphic and I can only guess that is because of who the violence happened to. After all, this is a show that's shown cannibalism, ritualistic dismemberment, characters covering themselves in entrails, beheading, throats slit (heck, Rick even ripped one guys throat out with his teeth), a child murdering her own little sister, characters bled out to be used as food, a character having his own leg eaten in front of him, etc., etc., etc. All this aside from the obvious fact that dead people are walking around eating the living, which in itself should be gruesome enough for most. Gore and violence is nothing new to this show, so the only thing that makes the "too graphic" reaction make sense was the emotional impact it had because of who the character was we were watching. I thought it was a fantastic episode and set the tone for what the show will be going forward. It's going to be very different from seasons past.
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