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Old 09-20-2016, 05:10 AM
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thetahat thetahat is offline
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Default Pennants with leather design

Interesting pennants in recent live auction .... large (40") Cubs and Tigers pennants from early 20th century, same style, with two color felt, reinforced edges, and an embroidered leather logo/design with details apparently burned (?) the leather. Tigers pennant is fantastic and I wanted it but got pretty high ... I actually have the Cubs but with the gold and purple colors inverted.

I wonder if this is the oldest known "series" of pennants ..... I've seen Cubs, White Sox, Tigers, and I think Red Sox? Clearly they were all made by the same company or person. And I am guessing they pre-date silk screening, around 1910. The leather (and added accents) seems to serve the purpose of providing details that embroidered felt (as in other old, non-screened pennants) could not achieve.

Anyway, doubt we can solve this mystery but I find myself intrigued by them ... any help?
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