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Old 09-14-2016, 08:25 AM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by calvindog View Post
Rogers has a huge bank fraud to deal with which Mastro and Allen did not. I suspect his sentencing guidelines will be significantly higher; in addition, there won't be the same dispute as to loss amount as there was with Mastro and Allen which caused some of the concessions made by the feds at sentencing.

And of course, no one has ever claimed that Mastro made even remotely close to $20 million from his scheme. Not even close. The government claimed that Mastro made between 400K and a million dollars although Mastro destroyed bidding records which could have raised that figure. Assuming he stole $2 million, he also paid a 250K fine and probably a $1 million in legal fees. One would have to be crazy to want to become a felon, lose their reputation and livelihood and spend 20 months in prison for maybe a 750K gain. I think when you appreciate how little money he actually made from his fraud it becomes clear that Mastro was more interested in power than money. He had a very profitable business without the fraud. Rogers, on the other hand, was just a greedy, dishonest lowlife.

Not trying to argue Jeff. I would think Mastro make way over 2 million defrauding costumers in his career. Even with your 750K after expenses estimate there are millions of people who would do 20 months for that amount. You have to take into account that 750K is way more than the average person has made in the last 20 years combined. Yes most rich people would never do it on purpose but 750K is nothing to them. To the average person it is many many years of wages.

Last edited by bnorth; 09-14-2016 at 08:26 AM.
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