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Old 09-05-2016, 11:43 AM
1952boyntoncollector 1952boyntoncollector is offline liebe.rman
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Originally Posted by FourStrikes View Post
in a gentleman's agreement way,'s basically to keep sh!t that MAY fly under the radar unseen, but...I'm guessing a T206 Plank on ebay - where there's bajillions of peeps w/T206 searches - it ain't exactly a secret...

while "outing" an auction is frowned upon, there's NO absolute rule that I'm aware of on Net54...unwritten rule ??? perhaps, but while discouraged/considered taboo, there's nothing concrete that I know of - and YES, while I've personally been scolded/motherf**ked in the past for such a transgression, I've voluntarily elected to avoid any backlash/bullsh!t and NOT post such things, yet NOT because it was expressly forbidden...

p.s. - it's a freakin' T206 Plank - those lookin' are unlikely to miss/overlook a T206 Plank...


already had this long discussion when i 'outed' a psa 5 Mantle Topps 1952 on ebay or something like that...its pretty much agreed that for these types of cards its no big deal to out these..
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