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Old 09-02-2016, 07:01 PM
keithsky keithsky is online now
keith janosky
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,468

I always figured coachs corner was like ebay in the same way ebay never gets sued or busted by the feds cause ebay is like the middle man between the buyer and seller and if something is fake they aren't responsible otherwise with all the fake stuff on ebay they would be shut down. Coachs Corner does the same they play stupid like ebay and claim if something is fake it's not there fault it's between the consignor and buyer and don't take responsibility like ebay. Why do you think they have last 20 years or more with absolutely never being in trouble or shut down. Other people get busted for fake stuff and go to jail and these clowns keep right on making money.
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