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Old 08-26-2016, 08:27 PM
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FourStrikes FourStrikes is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 639

Originally Posted by Psal3891 View Post
Why post the JSA ? So you all can claim JSA AND PSA are bogus? Lol sucks you guys can't appreciate a nice Budig Jeter without feeling a type of way. Enjoy being 50 and single, you only live once. Take care everyone and I'm glad i gave you clowns something to talk about for the rest of year. Cheers
and YOU should enjoy being a 20-something, smarter than the rest of us (?), individually and collectively...and wishing you a long (and hopefully happier) life than the one you're exhibiting right now on this particular forum!

sorry, Leon and others

P.S. - and if age has anything whatsoever to do with hobby knowledge IQ / opinions: just for the record, I'm 51, a 39-year hobby veteran / collector, and I have NO regrets (minus getting involved in THIS specific clusterf**k) and I'm certainly NOT apologizing for my knowledge - or lack thereof - in specialized categories...

happy trails, Psal3891, and happy collecting!

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