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Old 08-24-2016, 01:52 PM
Brian Van Horn Brian Van Horn is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 6,080

Originally Posted by PZdiaz110 View Post
An unidentified picture from my late father-in-law's personal effects. He grew up in Pittsburgh's West End and in fact, we actually drove past 407 Lorenz Avenue, (photography studio's address on back), on our way to the cemetery. Nobody could recall ever seeing the photo before, so it's a mystery as to the date it was taken and which player he was (likely) related to.

Just thought I would post because it's a very cool piece and maybe a few of you out there could take an educated guess as to the date, (based on the equipment, uniforms, etc.). Thanks in advance if anyone ventures a guess.


Small world. I lived for a year on Uvilla St which is a left turn off Lorenz as you head up to the overlook. My friend's wife and her sister own the Lorenz Cafe at 718 Lorenz Ave. I have no idea of the date, but it almost looks like the picture was taken at the graveyard, but what do I know?
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