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Old 08-20-2016, 09:19 AM
MikeGarcia MikeGarcia is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,817
Default The Federales may have an interest here.... may certainly do whatever you wish to any property which is considered legally your property.....

...if you desire a refund ( to be made whole , like you mentioned ) the property ideally would be returned in the same condition....

...if there is to be a criminal case developed , then this by-now notorious counterfeit/fake/fraudulent "Green Cobb" is obviously the only evidence of any wrongdoing...

..if you've sent funds electronically across a few state lines and the seller used the United States Post Office to mail you the "Green Cobb", and your stated claim is that the seller knew of the deception , then an interesting can of worms has just been opened......

.... If the amount of money exceeded a certain threshold ,The Federales may be very interested in this , and you have a lot of leverage , a lot , to be made whole financially....
..please keep us informed ; this is becoming as good as "The Night Of" on HBO..

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