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Old 07-18-2016, 11:26 AM
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revlis revlis is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 16

Thanks for the info on the dates for refractors and autos. Helps put things in perspective. I happened to get into collecting right at the height of it as a kid.

I'm currently starting to build a few vintage sets as well as buy individual vintage cards I like. However, I will definitely not be building any sets of modern cards. Its just not for me, its far to easy and they are kinda worthless (both to me and monetarily). So it seems there is some kind of problem with the product that is being produced. People like the refractor autos (myself included) and will pay a lot of money to collect them but throw away the base stuff which leaves little value to set builders.

How should they address this? Are there not alternative producers that cater for the set builder? Or is it simply that things have evolved?

Completely agree with the pop art of the older cards, its certainly what draws me to them. Not sure how that could be resurrected bc any time i see a modern card going for a vintage look it always looks unauthentic or a copy of an older set rather that updating that look and feel for today.
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