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Old 07-03-2016, 12:41 AM
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Steven Finley
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Nashville, Tn
Posts: 1,466

Thanks to Brent for posting, as from experience I attest he cares about the hobby foremost. I disagree though, and believe (using nothing but rationality) that the market has to correct at some point. Which is the most likely scenario? Something, collectible in nature, that has risen 500%-1000% in the span of a couple dozen months will continue to exponentially grow or that something collectible in nature that has risen 500%-1000% in a span of a couple dozen months will stagnate?

Common sense tells me it obviously won't continue growing at the same pace. I don't understand why the only two futures the market holds in the vast majority of collector's minds are "exponential growth" and "collapse". The two most popular phrases in the hobby are now "don't miss the train" and "don't get left holding the bag." Couldn't it, you know, just settle and correct? Sports card are hot investments right now, but I'm assuming hot investments are hot when they're cheap. I'm baffled that smart people with plenty of money (and obviously, surely, have heard of buy low - sell high) think we're just at the start of market growth. I don't know, could be wrong. Personally I don't have a dog in the hunt. If I can afford something in a 9 I buy a 9. If I can only afford a 2 my heart doesn't really break.

Happy collecting guys.
Always looking for rare Tommy Bridges items.
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