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Old 07-02-2016, 03:40 PM
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Stetson_1883 Stetson_1883 is offline
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It may not happen within a year, or even 10, but I'm fairly confident that before I die (I'm 37), we're going to see a global economic cataclysm the likes of which we will have never seen before. I'm talking worldwide breakdowns in financial markets, collapsing governments, sudden environmental implosions, hyperinflation, homelessness, criminality all leading to utter bedlam running amok in the streets...a purge, if you will.

Speaking as a former financial academic, I believe there's simply too much interconnectedness in this age of globalization. We're all teetering very precariously in an ubsurd balancing act. One small shift somewhere in the market will cause a tital wave effect. Everything we see is unsustainable at this point. I feel a breaking point is lingering in the air and eventually it's going to crush us.

When, not if, this time comes, these pieces of cardboard won't be able to buy you a loaf of bread.

Have a nice day!

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Last edited by Stetson_1883; 07-02-2016 at 03:43 PM.
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