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Old 06-21-2016, 09:54 PM
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Jack T
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Freeport, Florida
Posts: 264
Default Joe Jackson team photo

Great stuff guys! I especially like the Ed Cicotte signed T205 and the Baseball Magazine supplements.

This thread reminded me of something I owned years ago. All I have left of it are some photographic prints I had made up before I sold it.

It's a cabinet photo of the 1908 Greenville Spinners, featuring Joe Jackson (fifth from left). It was my best flea market find ever, back in the 1980's, but I didn't know it at the time. I should share the whole story in a thread on the memorabilia side one day. Anyway, I sold it through a Mastro auction, at the 1995 National if I remember correctly.

I wonder if someone here on N54 was the buyer, or perhaps has it now? It has the name "Kelly" in pencil on the back. He was one of the members of the team, the last guy on the right.

I know there has been hot debate and ridicule on other threads about old team photos purporting to include Joe Jackson. But I'm confident this is really him, based on information I received from the Greenville library when I finally researched it.

Here are a few cropped images:

Below he is the guy in the middle, in case you didn't recognize him with his shoes on

This is the 5x7 print I had some copies made of:

Last edited by YankeeFan; 06-22-2016 at 09:56 PM. Reason: Got the year wrong. It's 1908, not 1905.
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