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Old 06-17-2016, 02:48 PM
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Rookiemonster Rookiemonster is offline
Dustin Mar.ino
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Nj
Posts: 1,451

Let me start by saying talent is talent no matter what time you are from .

Even a average player from today would go back and be a star. The game has not changed that much true . But today's training methods and sports science puts ever ball player ahead of yesterday's.

So cal Ripken could not cut it back then? He would have puttered out?

A young Griffey Jr. Would not be able to adapt ?

Roided or not Roided bonds would have broke the game.

It's not even close . Maybe a hand full of guys from way back could hang. Once you get to the late 40s early 50s things start to change. For the better !

Why do you think nobody will hit .400 again? Because every ball player since Ted Williams has sucked ? This is a good sign of what I'm trying to convey. Let's say Ted Williams was of modern day star caliber. He had a great knowledge of the game and was fundamental sounds. While his military duties took away from his career it also add a more complete exercise program. Look how awesome players were after returning from war. When they should have been rusty and behind they came back to career years. Why? Exercise ! Now add what we have today to today's average player. Send him back Boom star. I think Ted would be a high average hitter today but nothing like he was then. And the further back you go the less likely the would be a dominant player today.
Just a collector that likes to talk and read about the Hobby. 🤓👍🏼

Last edited by Rookiemonster; 06-17-2016 at 02:51 PM.
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