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Old 06-16-2016, 02:17 AM
lug-nut lug-nut is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: So Cal
Posts: 725

Agreed. Some displays are very nice and some people have the right set up in their home to display them. But for me, no cards on display, only my balls. uhhh, baseballs. All cards are in a locked firebox bolted to the foundation next to my gun safe in a closet of the house that has an alarm with armed response....all insured thanks to a member who demanded i insure my stuff before i sell it to him.

Originally Posted by The Cardfather View Post
Hello all.

I will try to make my point here without sounding too cynical.

While I agree that the wall mounted displays, as well as the bookcases of clearly-labeled binders looks great. And what's the point of having a collection if you can't see/enjoy it.
But the reality of life is that there are a lot of unscrupulous people out there. If someone peeks inside your window, or a contractor is in your home to make a repair, or perhaps a well-meaning relative had one drink too many and tells someone he just met inside a bar about your "impressive" collection; you (and your collection) become vulnerable.

If you must display your collection for all to see, I would strongly recommend getting insurance - just in case (and for peace of mind).
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