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Old 06-15-2016, 04:33 PM
ajjohnsonsoxfan ajjohnsonsoxfan is offline
A.J. Johnson
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 1,353
Default Old Timers vs. Young Bucks

I remember seeing a thread awhile back but can't seem to find it arguing whether pre-war superstars of the day (Ruth, Wagner, Cobb, Mathewson, Lajoie, Shoeless etc) would be able to hold their own in today's game vs. today's stars. The topic came up for me twice in the last couple weeks with both parties saying they thought you shouldn't even think of old time baseball as "real" baseball based on the way the game is played today, how well the players are trained and how specialized each position is.

Would love to hear the historians among us weigh in. Would Ruth hit bombs of Arrieta? Would Cobb bat .400 and steal bases? Could Mathewson and the Big Train gets guys out?
A.J. Johnson
*Proudest hobby accomplishment: finished the 1914 Cracker Jack set ranked #11 all-time
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