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Old 06-12-2016, 08:49 AM
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Stonepony Stonepony is offline
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Originally Posted by Snapolit1 View Post
I guess from the point of view of the AH the "let's keep it going all night" routine is to maximize profits with the belief that if I am outbid on the item A at 4 am I might just move on, with that cash freed up, raise my bids on items B and C. I guess that's the logic. But conversely if I really want item A and am afraid it will close earlier I might come in with a much high maximum bid or bid more often at a reasonable hour to protect myself as much as I can.

I suspect that when most people lose items at 4 and 5 am they are fast asleep and aren't doing much of anything besides sleeping. Maybe not true for the top line rarities.

I would have gone high on that cool Ruth exhibit card than I did but wasn't conscious when people starting pushing their chips in towards the middle of the table.
My view has always been that if you lose out on an item at didn't bid enough and someone wanted it more. If I was consigning I'd want the auction to go long. Just my opinion.
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