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Old 06-09-2016, 09:21 AM
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Ed DeS.erio
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: NY
Posts: 1,604

You have got a big set of balls posting this.

Originally Posted by kickitup View Post

I am sorry I hurt your feelings when I responded to your opinion of what you might believe I am doing should be characterized as. Hurting your feelings was not the intent. You are no better or no worse than me, period. The amount of money I have or don't have should not characterize what I do with it or how the impacts of what I choose to do affect my life.

Calling what I am doing gambling is ignorant. Why? Because you have no idea what my situation is, just like I have no idea what yours is.

Just because it's a lot to you doesn't mean it's a lot to me. That's ok too... You are likely a nice guy, a great friend, a great dad etc, but just because I might have more money than you doesn't make me a gambler and you a collector because of the dollar amount I choose to put into cards.

My whole point was here that I am trying to encourage you all to not get caught up in what things used to be worth, but instead what they are worth now and what they will be worth in the future. I get annoyed so often by people complaining about how dumb prices are and how much manipulation goes on. I make up that people blame it on manipulation that prices are going up, but my sense is these same people are stuck in the past.

Hypothetically speaking, If I am willing to buy one Lou Gehrig card for 300k and that has a population of 3, I can assure you I am also willing to buy the other two for the same price before I let one of them go for less. I am an investor and I will protect my investment accordingly. I don't make any move without being willing to protect my move. If I think a card is worth 300k and there are 3 of them, I need to be willing to invest 900k in that card to make that purchase. That's not gambling, that is smart and logical investing. If I end up buying all 3 for 900k, fine, but I sure am going to support the market to protect my investment. I can only do that if I buy within my means and go in with a plan.

I hardly call that gambling. I think it's smart. I don't need you to agree with me, but I don't appreciate it when anyone tries to characterize what I am willing to do gambling when the dollar amount is merely larger than an amount they might be comfortable spending.

I can tell you all this. I don't buy a 50k Namath rookie unless I am willing to buy 50 of them for that. I consider my investments before I make them. I encourage those who don't think this way to realize there are others like me out there that are willing to buy not only one card, but all of them for "X" price and control the market.

This is happening and it bugs me that no one else realizes it. I can't convince you all that this is right or wrong, but I'm telling you it's happening because I am doing it and will continue to do so.
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