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Old 06-08-2016, 02:11 PM
packs packs is offline
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Originally Posted by LukeLyon View Post
His second post was phrased nicer, but he is right either way. $300k (since we're using that number) is a lot of money to a lot of people on this board, but that doesn't mean that it can't represent a small and reasonable percentage of someone's net worth to be invested. High end sports cards have been a good investment in recent history. Calling it gambling just because the number is big doesn't make any sense.
I think it's gambling when the poster is talking about using the cards in place of cash. That's what he said in his first post. Buy a card and use it as a commodity. I think that's gambling because you're assuming the market will allow for it. I also think it's gambling because at that price point (300K), you must have other holdings for you to be putting it into cards. If you lose it, that was your card money not your retirement fund. And if it is your retirement fund, I think that's nuts.
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