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Old 06-04-2016, 09:04 AM
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icollectDCsports icollectDCsports is offline
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Originally Posted by kkkkandp View Post
Ali was one of the best entertainers inside or outside the ring I've ever seen.

Back in the early 70s my college roommate was visiting and he was catching a ride home in NYC. We went in early and we were just walking around the city when we happened on Ali walking to an engagement. It was amazing. Cabbies were stopping in the street yelling to him. Ali was smiling, talking to everyone. The people parted on the crowded sidewalk like he was Moses walking through the Red Sea. One kid jokingly challenged him to a fight. Ali stopped, dropped his bag, put on that mean "fight face" he did biting his lower lip, and whipped off a flurry of shadow box punches. Everybody laughed including him. My roommate and I both got his autograph. One of the best bits of New York theater I've ever seen.
I got the chance to meet him, with a group of others, in what was a complete surprise circumstance a little less than 30 years ago. Quite a thrill. I stayed up late last night and got up early, listening to the discussion about Ali on NY's WFAN (via the Internet). Some great reflections from reporters who covered and knew Ali, but it was striking how many callers detailed their encounters with the man. He was simply great and gracious meeting with normal, regular folks in public. It's amazing to consider how many people he must've touched in this way. RIP
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