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Old 05-30-2016, 09:32 PM
begsu1013 begsu1013 is offline
Bob Ev@ns
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Savannah, GA
Posts: 1,527

yea, not too dialed in on modern/shiny stuff but have heard a ton of blurbs about the curry cards. maybe not so much on patches, but actual cards like refractors and chrome. even the base curry 10 shot up astronomically in a very short span of time and we aren't talking chrome or even shiny stuff. the base card.

i never saw how any of those patch cards seemed worth $4500 to begin w/ but to each their own. certainly cant knock what another collects. we all got our quirks.

and key hockey and football cards have taken off. the gretzky/orr rcs and look at what the bradshaw 9 did this past weekend! completely shocked on that one.
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