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Old 05-14-2016, 08:43 PM
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Gary Dunaier Gary Dunaier is offline
"Thumbs Down Guy"
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Originally Posted by Scott Garner View Post
My own personal preference for my collection is to find a scarcer version of the ticket if it exists (a suite ticket, a ticket that is embossed with metal foil, etc.) Something to differentiate, if that makes any sense.
I know what you mean. But they can't be too scarce that only a hardcore specialist would know about them... they can't be too scarce that a general fan wouldn't believe it was real.

I've seen Mets tickets printed out at turnstiles, from fans who somehow got their tickets on the phone. (Apparently they put the barcode or QR code or some kind of code under the scanner, and that generates a ticket.) These appear to resemble box office style tickets in design, but are on paper. The only example I can share is this one, which is from the 2015 postseason, and for some reason is blank. I found it on the ground, all crinkled up as you can see, and wouldn't have saved it except that I never had a turnstile-printed ticket. Without doing any research, I'd guess that this would be the scarcest type of ticket.

Maybe a print-at-home ticket from a historic game if it can be proven that it's an original printout (not a photocopy or a printout of a scan) that was printed on or before the date of the game, since the PDF file presumably still exists and can be printed out any time after the fact. (Yeah, a farfetched thought, but what the hey...)
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