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Old 03-29-2016, 07:42 PM
esd10 esd10 is offline
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Location: baltimore oh
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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Instead of cutting up a jersey why not print up cards to add to packs that you can pull that gives you a 1 in 300 or whatever chance of winning the actual jersey. If you pull one of these cards you have to send it into the card company and at a certain time they add all the 300 cards to a drum and spin the drum to mix all cards and then a neutral party closes eyes and pulls one card from drum and that is the winner of the jersey or bat or ?? I would rather have a small chance of a jersey or bat than a small piece of a jersey or bat. I do not collect cards so maybe they have done this in the past
That is a great idea and they could do the same with the cut signature instead of cutting up a letter, contract and checks send the whole thing as a redemption.
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