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Old 03-19-2016, 04:15 PM
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Leon Leon is offline
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I have a lot of inexpensive stuff in several display shelves in my office. For expensive stuff I have used scans on the net and a safe deposit box which I used to go visit fairly often, to see them in person.

Originally Posted by The Cardfather View Post
Hello all.

I will try to make my point here without sounding too cynical.

While I agree that the wall mounted displays, as well as the bookcases of clearly-labeled binders looks great. And what's the point of having a collection if you can't see/enjoy it.
But the reality of life is that there are a lot of unscrupulous people out there. If someone peeks inside your window, or a contractor is in your home to make a repair, or perhaps a well-meaning relative had one drink too many and tells someone he just met inside a bar about your "impressive" collection; you (and your collection) become vulnerable.

If you must display your collection for all to see, I would strongly recommend getting insurance - just in case (and for peace of mind).
Leon Luckey
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