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Old 03-17-2016, 07:30 AM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
Posts: 9,956

Originally Posted by begsu1013 View Post
to take full advantage of tax laws, that's why.

spend $150 to incorporate.
buy up a bunch of your favorite cards
list a bunch of these cards at crazy prices

then write off:

card purchases
percentage of house for home offices
percentage of your utilities
your supplies to house your collecting museum
travel expenses
and a million other small justifible reasons if ya have the right tax guy.

like golf and using the rules to your advantage. all completely legal if set up properly. so long as you keep records, your collection can work for you.

at the end of the day, its not really what you make, its what you can legally deduct.
LOL, That is funny and really close to true. There is a little more to it that that but not much. I done it with parrots instead of baseball cards for many years. The great thing about having large birds is after you learn to block them out you can ignore anything. I have not heard my wife complain about anything in years.
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