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Old 03-06-2016, 11:29 AM
begsu1013 begsu1013 is offline
Bob Ev@ns
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Savannah, GA
Posts: 1,527

voted @ 90% on the hunt
voted @ 50% on the ownership

these are based off items that i really, really like to collect/the part that i tend to take kinda seriously...

hunt is definitely the best part of collecting for me.

the hunt itself is part of it, but having the will power to pass on a card that's ALMOST what i am looking for is very satisfying too. simply put, i'll know it when i see it. but then again there are those few times that i actually passed, but shouldn't have that haunt me as well. in the end, it's kinda demented but those are fun to me as well (in due time). basically, kicking myself in the a$$ and telling myself i was an idiot!

as for ownership, i kinda relate it to the ending scene of raiders of the lost ark. the one where indy risked life and limb to procure but in the end the ark is simply crated up and gets carted off to a warehouse simply to be stowed away.

not only that, after a few hours and the item is stowed i get a feeling of; "ok, now what?"

so for me, it's not about where you are going but how you get there or smelling the roses, etc.

if you ever did any touring, then you know most of the fun lies in the journey itself from town to town vs the actual concerts themselves.

Last edited by begsu1013; 03-06-2016 at 11:37 AM.
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