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Old 02-27-2016, 10:44 PM
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WindyCityGameUsed WindyCityGameUsed is offline
"The Real" Ron Kosiewicz
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 57

Originally Posted by kengoldin View Post
thank you for at least taking the time to read everything. I re-read my original post and edited it to reflect a more accurate statement, as the wording may have been poor with respect to SB certs, this is listed below. I have ALWAYS gone out of my way, on ebay, and with hobby dealers (and quite frankly anyone who bothers to call me and ask me a question, or email me) to inform them of what to look for when buying SB product to make sure they buy the real thing, I continue to do so to this day, and will continue to do so in the future.
As far as the auction, i believe what i have stated, the people involved, our product and our policies speak for itself. I am well aware that every auction house is going to be scrutinized till the ends of the earth forever, and am happy that we will be conducting our FIRST auction in 10 weeks, so we can learn from other's mistakes. Rest assured, all parties involved like their lives and are not going to do anything to jeapordize themselves, their careers, or the business.
At this point, I will let everyone come to their own opinion, and let time be the judge. I am available for questions by email or PM, but I think i have had more then my share of the 'public forums' for a while.

"around 92-93 to combat these problems SB started marking its autographed items with a mark that was detectable under UV light. In addition, it began to mark its certs with a hidden water mark as well. 100% of the certs that are REAL and have the name 'ken goldin' have this mark. If it does not have the mark, and has the facsimile of Ken goldin, it is a fake cert. SB did not publicize this fact because it wanted to stay 1 step ahead of the forgers. It told its customers but did not point out where the water mark was, it what it was. I have , however, made dealers and press (example an interview i did with TJ Schwartz 2 years ago where he mentioned that SB certs and items were marked...but did not mention where or how) are of this."
In hind site this is a beauty 2