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Old 02-13-2016, 10:05 AM
dwightclarkJ dwightclarkJ is offline
clark J
Clar.k Ja.lo
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 17

Originally Posted by BruceWayne View Post
Hello Everyone,

My name is Chris Cavalier and I am the owner of Game Used Universe. Looking back I probably should have registered with my actual name but at least everyone will now know I am a big fan of the Christopher Nolan Batman series

I would like to address some of the comments made on this thread as well as offer to have anyone contact me directly if they have any issues going forward with the Game Used Universe site. My email address is and I will be happy to answer any questions you might have. In addition, I would like to provide the following information here:

1) Regarding passwords, Jayworld and drc, I am not sure why the auto-system response hasn't provided you with a new password but I will be happy to reset your password for you if you email me directly. While we do not have access to individual passwords, we are able to reset them through the administrative function. I will be happy to issue you new passwords and then you can change them in your profile later if you so desire.

2) There was a period where I was personally out of pocket. This was due to some health issues that have now been resolved. However, the boards at Game Used Universe are not "un-administered." In fact, there are a team of moderators and there have been numerous threads that have recently been moderated to conform with our forum rules. The moderators there do a fantastic job so any issues you may have had in the past where due to my absence and are my responsibility. I personally apologize if there have been any inconveniences in the past but we have been working very hard to make sure everything is now working properly.

3) Regarding accepting members, I have personally made sure that any person who has registered with what appears to be a real name, email address and phone number has been approved to use the site. Every person who has been approved has also received an email directly from me letting them know they have been approved. Unfortunately, we had to change the registration system a while back to require approval because we had banned members registering under new aliases and posting simply to cause trouble. These registrations/posts were often done in the middle of the night and, though we would delete them, there were times when they might be on the boards for a bit of time before they were removed. This was something we did not want to subject our members to and thus the reason for the change in the registration process. We will be moving to a new registration process soon but, as for now, I have been approving new members daily and the approved ones get a welcome email from me directly as soon as they are approved and are reminded to familiarize themselves with the forum rules for posting before they begin using the site.

4) Regarding the site outages, that has to do with a server issue that we are trying to address. For a total fix we are planning to move to new servers but that will require a technical migration involving people who intimately understand the source code to prevent any major interruptions with the site. I believe we have found the developers needed and we plan to do that soon. In the interim, I have personally been monitoring the site and work to get it back up immediately if there are any outages. I believe if you ask our members, they will tell you there has not been any significant amount of time the site has been down in the last few months.

5) Regarding the posting of pictures, I was not aware of that issue. There is a size limit restriction to prevent the posting of numerous large files that might slow down the speed of the site. We have brought in a new Network Administrator and I will check into this and see what can be done. Keithsky, if you can please email me directly and let me know the file sizes you were attempting to post I would appreciate it and I will look into it.

6) We are also planning some other things that I can't really discuss right now. However, you can be sure that, as always, we will be thinking of things we can do to help the collecting community in any way possible.

Again, I apologize if my health related issues have caused any inconvenience for anyone in the past and I am happy to personally answer any questions you might have. As listed earlier, I can be reached at Please feel free to email me and I will try to get back to you as quickly as possible.

I also want to thank Leon for running such a great site and for allowing me to post. We spoke earlier today and I will echo the comments in this thread that Leon has done a great job here.

Chris Cavalier
CEO - Game Used Universe
Rather interesting that "banned members" and banishment common banter among GUU and it's associates.
Clark J