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Old 01-21-2016, 03:34 PM
2dueces 2dueces is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Texas
Posts: 637

It sounds very likely. During the depression when the factories were making depression glass as promotions to be included in boxes of soap and other products the makers would not clean out the old colors before adding the new color batch. So they would have different hues and tints in the first batch of the new color. So first runs of greens or pinks would have different hues. This glass was created to give Americans jobs. Quality wasn't as important as keeping people working. Now since these cards were made to strengthen boxes of cigarettes it is more than likely that using brown wasn't a big deal as these were also promotional and in effect free with the purchase of the cigarette brand. Of course now 100 years later it drives everyone insane.
Misspelled names, broken dies, scraps, missing colors, proofs and of course color variations. What a great laugh the printers would have at our expense.
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