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Old 11-06-2015, 09:53 AM
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bn2cardz bn2cardz is offline
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Babe Didrikson Zaharias - Best All-Around Woman's Athlete at a time when woman were not expected to be athletic or outside the kitchen

Jim Thorpe - Best All-Around Men's Athlete and while dealing with racism against Native Americans

Ronda Rousey - 59 Years after the death of Babe Didrikson female athletics still don't get the respect the male counterparts do (read the previous posts, how many females do you see). This isn't true in MMA/UFC in my mind. There is only one name I know as a non-follower of the sport and that is Ronda Rousey. With even her picture being the dominant center image for the Topps boxes between two males and her cards showing at the top of the highest price paid for 2015 UFC topps search on ebay. She stands out in what typically would be considered a male dominant sport.

Babe Ruth - He is the first real ICON of American Sports. hobbyists and historians can argue about if other Athletes were better, we can even argue if there were other players that effected pop culture prior to Ruth. Yet you ask any person that doesn't follow sports who the most famous athlete is of all time and Babe Ruth still comes to mind.

Last edited by bn2cardz; 11-06-2015 at 02:50 PM.
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