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Old 11-03-2015, 04:36 PM
vthobby vthobby is offline
Mike P.ap
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: VT
Posts: 2,375
Default Taylor,

"against their "rules" to have "unreasonable" shipping costs"

My experience on over 4500 Ebay deals both buying and selling is that this statement from Ebay means nothing. Literally.

The only place that they have ever limited me for postage is on books or videos (DVDs) and the max is usually $5. I have never seen it on any other category.

"The reason I had asked this? Because at one time ebay would not even ALLOW you to list something if it violated the maximum shipping price, and I just wondered if that was still in effect."

No it is not except in a very small amount of categories (books and movies).

"But I still believe they do take their cut out of shipping as well. This was a recent (last 2 years or so?) change to collect from sellers who would list cheap BINs with outrageous shipping. Unless that has now changed as well."

Yes, they still take their cut on P&H on EVERY transaction EXCEPT when you offer free shipping. Ebay always wins!

Sorry if it appears jumbled above but I cut and pasted some of your questions and put asterisks on them and put my answers in BOLD.

I think the biggest question however was "Does Ebay care?"

The simple answer as a few have pointed out is NO they do not.

#1 Ebay cares about Ebay. Nothing else.
#2 Paypal cares about Paypal. Nothing else.
#3 When in doubt and if you get angry at either please see note #1 and #2.

Peace, Mike

PS If you have ever had a dispute with Ebay or Paypal and tried calling their "customer service" phone number just refer back to Rule #1 and #2 also!

Last edited by vthobby; 11-03-2015 at 04:38 PM.
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