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Old 10-30-2015, 11:18 PM
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Butch7999 Butch7999 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Western New York
Posts: 982

Excellent suggestions from everyone so far -- recapping, list form:
> prices marked on all items
> cash box
> ample change before the show starts
> penny sleeves, at minimum, on hand
> paper & pen for improvised signage
> paper bags for customer purchases
> know HOW to haggle and be prepared to do some (a little practise with dad acting as both a reasonable and unreasonable customer might help)
> snacks and a beverage supply, and not close to cards nor while handling cards
> paper towels, 'cause ya never know
> prepare for quick-change scammers -- and keep a constant, constant eye on the inventory
> never leave the table unattended

We'd add this golden rule: "do unto customers as you'd want a vendor to do unto you." No matter how the day is going sales-wise,
greet anybody and everybody who so much as walks by with a hello and a smile -- but just that, no hard-sell requests to "check these out!"
And if they're dealing with one customer at the moment and a second prospective customer stops by, acknowledge the second guy
immediately -- "hi, we'll be with ya in just a moment."
-- the three idiots at
Baseball Games

Successful transactions with: bocabirdman, GrayGhost, jimivintage,
Oneofthree67, orioles93, quinnsryche, thecatspajamas, ValKehl
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