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Old 10-30-2015, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Scott Garner View Post
Hi Rob,
Great question! I find my new pickups in order of frequency:

1) Networking with many other like-minded collectors
It helps to have a large network of close collector friends because you "cast a larger net" in the hobby. You can't possibly see every auction and be all-knowing without other friends in the hobby looking out for you. Many of these friendships were forged long before the internet. Without my network of hobby friends, I wouldn't find half of the stuff that I do. Seriously!

2) eBay favorite searches

3) Large auctions

4) SCD (Yes, I actually still subscribe to it and it sometimes pays a dividend. Old habits die hard, even if I may be the last remaining subscriber)

4) Smaller auctions (Infrequently)

I hope this helps.
Thanks, Scott. The networking does help and I occasionally have someone on this board point something out to me. Unfortunately, as in the most recent case, I usually already have what is pointed out.

SCD? Wow, it's been a looooooong time since I subscribed to that. I remember (pre-eBay) how I would anxiously await its arrival.

As I said about eBay, I rarely, rarely ever see anything there that gets me excited. Every time I search, I think "this will be the day!" but it never is. I only search every 6 days so I may miss some stuff but I don't think I miss much. Their email notifications are a joke.
if you can help with SF Giants items (no cards), let me send you my wantlist!
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