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Old 10-28-2015, 04:03 PM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
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Originally Posted by btcarfagno View Post
Somewhere I heard that there is like 16 hours of audio. Perhaps that is at the Hall Of Fame only, wasn't sure if it was available for public consumption...or if it exists at all.

Tom C
I did the CD set, along with Neal McCabe, and there are over 100 hours of Larry's interviews. That I'm aware of, our Highbridge edition is the only audio ever put out, other than the promo LP for the book, which has about a half hour, and Bud Greenspan's marvelous video, which has snippets. You could probably listen to more at the Hall of Fame, which has the original tapes, but other than a particular interest in a player or his team, I don't think you'd find that terribly rewarding. The CDs are heavily edited, and contain all of the best material. Upon finishing the project, we were amazed to realize we had gotten all of what we called the "A" material into the five hours allotted to us by the publisher, and there wasn't anything else we wished we would have had space for. It really worked out perfectly. We've been asked many times about a sequel, but in our minds that has always been out of the question, just no reason for it.
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