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Old 10-21-2015, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by wonkaticket View Post
So the FBI agent never told you there was a stamp on your card, or that there were potential issues with it? So in that video of you talking to Scott you had no idea there was a possible stamp? Even though you mention the NYPL, stamp, FBI and JC's card in the video where you are unaware you're being filmed.

Your willing to say the FBI agent returned your card and said there are no markings to be seen nothing to look into the card is clear? So from 2014 to the time of listing you had no knowledge whatsoever there were any potential issues with this card.

Then why do you say things to the contrary in PMs to me and in the video?

Amazing coincidence then that HA mentioned "library stamp" as the first possibility for the mark on the back of the card....because nobody knew it was there least of all you...until that day the topic was brought up on Net54 and Hauls of Shame.

Hi John
Let me set the record straight once again. It won't change as the truth never will, and is what I have said along. I was given the card back and told there was 100% an erased stamp on it. It was not identifiable as to where it came from. After that I let it go, obviously you haven't. As for me mentioning it could have been an NYPL stamp, absolutely true. It could have been. Could it have been stolen? Absolutely. Did I have many discussions (recorded or not) as to those facts, absolutely. None of that changes any of the facts. The HA knew, just like I and everyone else did, it could have been a library stamp or it could have been a photographers stamp. Nothing has changed. And why do you sound like you are trying to inerrogate me? That is foolish. You might try being more succinct too. If you ask the same question twice I will only answer it once.
Leon Luckey