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Old 09-05-2015, 07:46 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
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Originally Posted by nolemmings View Post
Steve, while you blind yourself with science, do you forget that the two equipment guys effectively admitted to deflating the footballs and that Tom Brady liked 'em that way--- oh wait, he claims he didn't know anything about it, never mind.

So yes, going forward the rule will probably need to be changed or at least the protocols will, but as for what occurred last season, few people outside of Patriot Nation doubt that the deflation happened and that it was willful, not accidental or the result of some scientific anomaly. And legally, while the court decision ruled in favor of Brady for other reasons, there was sufficient evidence to sustain the findings.

My two cents for the Pats. Keep on denying you did anything wrong, own up to nothing, and let that be your battleground. Or admit that there was deflation going on, explain that it had no influence on the outcome, it was a minor violation, etc. Pick one. Not two. And if you pick number 1, don't be surprised or hurt when most of the rest of the NFL nation thinks you are full of crap.
The rule and protocols do need to be entirely redone. They've had the entire offseason and if they've redone anything at all they've kept it secret.

The ideal gas laws are just that predictable unchanging laws of science proven for a very long time. Certainly not what I'd call an "Anomaly"

The crappiness of the gauges used is also provable, even assuming they're 25 Psi Guages and not more generic tire pressure types with a larger range (And the probably were) 2% of 25 is .5 Psi, so in the first place there's no way to know they were actually at 12.5 because they could have been anywhere from 12-13 (Or 11.5 - 13.5 if it was a 0-50Psi guage.)

And the results of the "evidence" would be off by as much, since the same gauge was one of the ones used (And which the report states can't be found ....)

Where in the report does it say they admitted deflating the balls?
It does say that for the Jets game the refs overinflated them, to maybe 16 Psi.
Gee, I wonder why.

Ah, the history of "cheating"

Jets guy filming the pats practice signals from a disallowed spot - Removed from the stadium, problem solved.

Pats Guy doing exactly what the Jets guy was doing....Becomes a big deal.

Some question of inflation....
FORMER JETS guy leads the initial "investigation" into it making it a big deal.
Oh the surprise. NOT!

NFL gets heavy handed trying to look good after two complete fiascos over punishment. NFL overreaches and gets caught. Ignores CBA, ignores their own rule, ignores a known problem with the balls

The whole thing stinks on many levels, and not just from any one side either.

Steve B
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