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Old 08-19-2015, 03:47 PM
skelly skelly is offline
Be.n C0z1n
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 228

I disagree that everything needs to be priced. As a dealer you should know your inventory. Take a couple hours the night before and figure out what you need for your graded or "case" cards. Make up a "dollar" or a bargain box(s) and your on your way. I'll say this, if you are going to have to look up a price, then it MUST be marked. Customers don't want to stand there while you flip through the guide. Who knows, you might not want to keep doing shows. If that's the case, do you really want each of your cards to have a price sticker on it?
It would also be a good idea to get there as early as possible to set up before lots of traffic / dealers start milling around. Be prepared to possibly trade with or sell to other dealers in the room. They will certainly be interested in any quality stuff you have.
Although a display case isn't essential, it makes you look professional and does guard against theft. Perhaps most important, keep a good attitude even if not selling that well. Greet the people that come by your table and ask if they would like to see anything. Also keep in mind that at a smaller show, most people are going to have a 71 hank aaron, a 76 Brett, you get the idea. Don't be afraid to bring some football, hockey, oddball stuff, etc… Sometimes that kind of stuff can catch a person's eye, especially at a smaller show.
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