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Old 08-19-2015, 07:36 AM
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N.ate A.dams
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Florida
Posts: 1,456

I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my original post, but I also started utilizing this to stop bullying. Already in my class, students know that it isn't accepted at all, not even the slightest comment. Whenever a student says anything negative or discouraging towards a student or about a student, I will allow the targeted student to choose any card. If the bully says "I don't care", the other student gets another one. If they continue to say anything at all, the student gets a card every time the other student says something about them. Any student that politely stands up for another student will also receive a card. This has probably happened 20-25 times in 3 years, and usually it is the bully only saying "I don't care, give him/her a card." - and they will repeat it multiple times to try and prove that they don't care. Even if they shrug their shoulders, the targeted student gets another card. Every single time this has happened, it always has resulted in the bully completely stopping making fun of the person or even saying that they don't care, and every other student making sure it is known they are on the team of the targeted student. I've also done the same thing for students in other classes or elsewhere on campus who decided not to engage in a fight with another student.

Keep any other ideas you have coming as well, I know there are a lot of teachers and teacher's spouses on here.
Looking for: T205 Cubs in AB, Cycle, Sov, HLC. & E91A Cubs, T206 Cubs master set, T3 Cubs

Last edited by npa589; 08-19-2015 at 12:10 PM.
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