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Old 07-08-2015, 04:48 PM
CMIZ5290 CMIZ5290 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: VALDOSTA, GA.
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Originally Posted by barrysloate View Post
Let's make one thing perfectly clear: 99+ % of the people who use the services of someone like Mr. Towle do so for one reason and one reason only- to resubmit the card to TPG in order to get a higher than merited grade. And this in turn makes them lots of money. Which leads me to what I always say about TPG's- that they mint money. It's like having a printing press and making hundred dollar bills with it. TPG's have too much power, period.

Second, it is in the interests of all businesses to have satisfied customers. And one way to do that is to make sure customers are happy with the grades they are getting. As a result, there is a distressing number of high grade cards in holders that have been altered, cleaned, or processed in some way. This is a very bad sign for the future of the hobby.
+1, agree with Barry. I have always been confused about "soaking cards". Doesnt that compromise the structure of the card? To me, it would take huge balls to do this in the first place...
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