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Old 05-28-2015, 06:07 PM
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obcbeatle obcbeatle is offline
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Default T205 production

Thank you Ted & Dennis! So maybe production started in April or May 1911 and ceased maybe in early 1912? With that time frame being speculative due to a need for more evidence :-) Btw Ted those ML's look cool all together. Also I finally found some of your previous posts on this subject. Thanks all for your research! Another question I have ... At the beginning of Scot Reader's Inside T206 he made a handy table of all the brand/factory combinations. I was thinking of creating a similar table for T205 but maybe someone has already done that? It would help me visualize the distribution of the T205's even though I know the table would be fairly similar to Scot's T206 table (I'm a visual learner :-) I'll end by saying that I've been reading about the ATC and the tobacco companies in general to try to become more familiar with how the tobacco industry worked back then. Very interesting stuff. But I'm afraid it is getting out of hand. I have an urge to buy a vintage pack of Piedmont's so I have a period piece of tobacco packaging. And some of those ad displays look very cool too :-)

Last edited by obcbeatle; 05-28-2015 at 06:22 PM.
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